Sylvan Testimonials

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

February Special

Testing and Enrollment Fee $95
Schedule an assessment for your child on a Monday or Tuesday in February and pay only $95 for your testing AND registration fee. That's a savings of $195! Spaces are limited, so call now to reserve your spot. Upon request, we will review your child's test scores on the same day and let you know how we can help your child become a confident and successful student!
The Sylvan Learning Guarantee
Your child's math or reading skills will improve by one full grade level equivalent in only 36 hours of instruction, or we'll give you an additional 12 hours of instruction free.

Sylvan Math Prep
With your enrollment in any math program, you will also receive a free subscription to for the remainder of the school year. With video lessons directly correlated to your child's text book, you can take the stress out of math work at home.

A list of frequently asked questions about Sylvan can be found by clicking here. Sylvan is here to help. Get started by calling today to take advantage of our February special.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Paradise Valley Parent Teacher Conferences This Week

All this week, parents in the Paradise Valley school district will be meeting with their child's teachers to review what is happening in the classroom.

Parent/teacher conferences are an excellent opportunity to gauge your child’s academic progress and create an ongoing dialogue with your child’s teacher.

In preparation for the meeting, ask your child if there are topics he/she would like discussed with his/her teacher. Jot down some notes to yourself regarding anything you would like to know about your child's performance in class, and what you should expect for the rest of the school year.

Some helpful questions to ask include:
-- Is all of my child's homework turned in?
-- What is the quality of the work?
-- Has my child mastered the skills you would expect by this time in the school year?
-- Is my child working up to his/her ability?
-- What can I do at home to improve my child's learning in the classroom?

During the conference, it is important to be respectful of the teacher’s time and arrive promptly. Conferences are always more productive if the conversation remains positive. Listen to the teacher's comments and be open to feedback and suggestions for your child. Be sure that you ask your most important questions first so you are sure to have your answers in case time runs short.

Don't forget to ask the teacher for specific suggestions on ways to help your child reach his/her potential. This is the most important part of the meeting. Don't be shy! if the teacher says something that you don't understand, ask for clarification. This is your child and your time, you don't want to miss anything.

End the meeting by reiterating the actions that will be taken by the teacher or you; then create an action plan and work with your child to implement it. Set goals and make it fun!

Communication is key for success in the classroom. If you have questions for your teacher, contact the teacher immediately, don't wait until it's too late to help your child meet success. Find out if your child needs a tutor and act on it, don't think the problem will magically correct itself. The curriculum moves forward with or without your child. Don't let the gap get too big!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Thanks to all our students who came in on their day off school! We enjoyed working with you! We are still taking enrollments for our Note Taking Seminar and the SAT class preparing for the test in March.
What a great start to the week!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Notetaking Class Starting Soon!

Does your child struggle to get down the best information from text books and lecture for studying for that big test? When it comes to filtering through information, most students are at a loss as to what is important and what is not; and how to best record that information for future use.

Prepping for tests is not just about studying the week or day before a test, prepping is about having the right information. Many students spend hours "studying" for a test, only to be disappointed when the grade they receive is not the grade they thought they would. This can happen when students are not preparing appropriately.

It's not about studying harder, it's about studying smarter. Sylvan's Note Taking class will help students prepare for their classes by helping each student understand his or her learning style and how to work within that learning style when it comes to taking notes.

We will also help students find the best way for them to record the information. Not all students learn in the same way, likewise, not all students will take notes in the same way. And that's OK! What is important is that the information recorded is the right information. Sylvan will help students learn to listen, read textbooks and prepare along the way...smarter, not harder.

If you are interested in attending the 14 hour Note Taking class at either the Glendale (starts February 3) or Phoenix (starts January 26) locations, please call 1-866-949-4776 for more details.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

MLK Testing Special

It's not too late to book your spot for 1/2 price testing on January 17. The kids are out of school so make the most of the day off to start enriching your child's education! Call today, 1-866-949-4776. We still have a few spots left at both the Glendale and Phoenix locations.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

It's Time for SAT Prep

The pressure is on. To compete in today’s global economy, which includes international students attending North American colleges in record numbers, U.S. teenagers must obtain collegiate degrees now more than ever. According to the latest research of the U.S. Department of Education, college enrollment grew 16 percent between 1985 and 1995. Between 1995 and 2005, enrollment increased at a faster rate (23 percent), from 14.3 million to 17.5 million. The number of graduating high school seniors is expected to peak in 2011, with 67% trying to gain admission to an institution of higher learning.

What does this mean for students with college aspirations? Acing the college entrance exam is critical. Most students applying to competitive colleges now take the SAT*/ACT® more than once, and as early as sophomore year.

Our growing global economy has made it necessary for more students to attend college in order to obtain good paying jobs. Tools, such as the common application, encourage students to apply to more schools - which increases the competition. Thus, making it more difficult for students to gain acceptance into the top institutions and colleges that were once seen as “safeties.”

More students and parents today are learning the secret that top colleges have known for years - systematically preparing for the SAT/ACT gives students more confidence and more confidence can lead to higher SAT/ACT scores.

New college admissions rules now allow students to score their best by taking the SAT/ACT as many times as they like, but educators suggest taking the tests no more than two or three times. Sylvan Learning, the leading provider of tutoring to all ages, grades and skill levels, offers the following advice to ensure students properly prepare for their college entrance exams – Sylvan’s 10 STRESSFREE Steps to Reduce the Stress and Ace the Test!

- Studying for the SAT*/ACT® takes weeks, even months, of review. Don’t try to cram overnight.
- Trust yourself. Rely on your instincts. Never leave an easy question blank.
- Read the questions and answers critically.
- Easy questions have easy answers.
- Stop and check. Every few questions, ensure the question number on the answer sheet corresponds with the booklet.
- Save time. Make sure you have enough time to answer as many questions as possible, in order to rack up as many points as possible.
- Focus on what the question is really asking. If you don’t fully understand the question, finding the correct answer is going to be tough.
- Rushing only hurts you. Keep track of the time remaining for each section.
- Eliminate answers. If you can eliminate at least two incorrect answers, make an educated guess.
- End each section by reviewing. If time permits, revisit the questions you didn’t answer.

It’s never too early – or too late – to begin preparing for college and lifelong economic success.

Students who are interested in a test prep course should visit the “College Prep” area at or call 1-866-949-4776 to learn more about Sylvan SAT Prep and Sylvan ACT Prep. These courses are offered exclusively through Sylvan Learning and provide proven test-taking strategies, state-of-the-art course materials and content review in small team environments that give students the confidence and personalized attention that help raise test scores.

Preparation for the March 12 SAT test will begin January 24 in Glendale, with classes running on Mondays and Wednesdays from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., and in Phoenix on Saturday, January 29 from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Instruction includes 30 hours of test prep and three full length practice tests. Juniors and seniors are encouraged to sign up early as space is limited.