Sylvan Testimonials

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


If you've put off getting your student signed up for something academic this summer, now is the time to call!

Next week we will be offering a variety of short term, fun academic camps for students of all ages.
Write On! A writing seminar for students grades 3 through 8 is being taught. Get those creative juices flowing and keep that writing hand in shape!

Solve This! A math problem solving seminar for students in grades 6 through 8. Become proficient at learning math vocabulary and what exactly a problem is asking you to do.

Geometry. For students who would like to get a head start on geometry, this seminar is perfect! We will review concepts necessary for a successful geometry year. If your student is taking geometry in the fall, this is a seminar you don't want them to miss!

Read Ahead! this seminar is perfect for the student entering or just finishing kindergarten. If you want a review of those fundamental reading skills, or want a head start on those skills, don't miss this exciting reading seminar!

Call now, space is limited! 866-949-4776